
Showing posts from January, 2018


GET QUANTUM PROTECTED : Quantum1Net QUANTUM HACKING IS COMING…ARE YOU READY ! Why is quantum computing a threat to current encryption methods? The RSA cryptography platform is now 40 years old. While it has served well in securing the Internet and digital communications, its days are numbered due to the unyielding advance of Moore’s law and the emergence of quantum computing. Significant effort and resources are being employed by hackers to crack RSA and other forms of encryption. The rise of quantum computing makes cracking RSA and various other forms of encryption feasible in the near future. Classical computers use binary bits, which have a value of either zero or one. Strings of these zeroes and ones translate into data, but the nature of the bit means only one calculation can be done at a time. However, with quantum computing, each quantum bit (called a qubit) can both be a zero and one at the same time. This difference means quantum computers can store vastly more d

Titanium Blockchain Infrastructure Services (TBIS)

JOIN THE REVOLUTION Today, the largest transportation company in the world owns no cars (Uber), the largest hospitality company on the face of the planet owns no hotels (AirBnB), the largest retailer carries no stock (Alibaba), and the world’s most popular media network creates no content (Facebook). Clearly, we are living in a time of radical change .  Why should internet infrastructure be any different? So What is TBIS ? Video that speaks a lot ! TBIS is proud to introduce Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) on the Ethereum blockchain platform .   Today the internet, considered collectively, represents an estimated 11.5 million petabytes of data. As enormous as this it, it is dwarfed by the potential of a fully integrated and interconnected global network scattered throughout the billions of desktops, servers, and networked devices. It is the leveraging of this system to which TBIS is dedicated. With completed proof-of-concept models created and functioni

MATRIX THE Intelligent Blockchain

MATRIX THE  Intelligent  Blockchain What is MATRIX? MATRIX  is d esigned to be the new generation blockchain, MATRIX leverages the latest Al techniques to revolutionize the landscape of cryptocurrency . MATRIX differentiates itself from previous blockchains by offering breakthrough technologies in building Al — enabled autonomous and self — optimizing blockchain networks,which feature multi — chain collaboration and decoupling of data and control blocks. Why MATRIX is the Intelligent Blockchain ? The feature embedded in Matrix Blockchain make it Blockchain 3.0 and Intelligent. An EASIER Blockchain - With MATRIX, no programing expertise is needed any more for designing smart contracts. Anyone who needs smart contracts can directly implement them with natural languages. -Among the 70 billion people can write or speak, only 20 million can do programing. MATRIX allows a user base that is 350 times bigger than that of Ethereum.The larger use certainly guaran